Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Canned food drive in Forest Hills This Saturday

Six-year-old Ella Coxe will be collecting canned fruits and vegetables for a food drive to benefit The Good Shepherd Center, which feeds around 480 people a day. They are currently in need of canned foods. We are asking for your help to make it a great success.

On Saturday, July 26 from 9:00-12:00 you can drop off your canned goods at 402 Forest Hills Drive. She also will be selling lemonade to benefit the center. If you can’t make it on Saturday during the drop off times, you can drop off the items anytime at the above address on Wednesday, July 23 through Friday, July 25. We will have a plastic bin on our front steps for the food. If you need us to come to your house, just call (763-7109) and we will come pick it up. -- Bradley Coxe


Bradley A. Coxe said...

As of Wed. 12:30pm, we have 21 cans donated.

Bradley A. Coxe said...

As of Wed. 12:30pm, we have 21 cans donated.

Bradley A. Coxe said...

up to about 40 cans...